Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kev In Ebeye

Because the Kosrae project is coming to a close, I've been shipped out to the next project here on Ebeye, one of the Marshall Islands.  It's been 10 days now on this new island.  This project is going to be very different from the last one.  Ebeye is a skinny 1 mile long island with 18,000 people living on it.   The island in general is very dirty and poor.  There are very few trees.  A little bit more selection in the grocery stores, but overpriced as always.  There are 2 water supplies.  There's personal rain catchment for the sinks and showers, and ocean water for the toilets.  Right now the island is going through a drought so we've had to buy water several times to fill our water tanks.  We guess 25 cents a minute for the shower.  The internet is fairly fast for Micronesia but runs about 10 cents a minute on a prepaid card.

Kingdom Hall
Leftover wood sent from Kosrae
Youth support
Future Kitchen and 2 rooms for couples
Antonio and the kids

The barge from Majuro
Our mountain of rock
Bike trip 
Cooling off
Meeting at the school

When we got to Kwajelin, we went into the airport, put our bags on a red line, sat down, the bags were searched and sniffed, and then we allowed to get our luggage.  They were laying on the floor in a garage area.  The first thing I noticed was a vending machine with Dr. Pepper, Twix, Reese's, and some other things that I hadn't seen in a few months.  Then were escorted to the ferry/military barge that was on the other side of the island.  We were warmly greeted by the majority of the group that's already here, several local friends, and few familiar faces: Erica, Antonio and Troy.  It's about a 20 minute boat ride to Ebeye and then a 5 minute walk to the Kingdom Hall.  Living here with all of the boys has turned the Kingdom Hall into some kind of refugee camp.  Right now we're working on the place where the Kitchen and 2 couples are going to live.  It's above a small store just around the corner.  Next we'll start building the barracks where the rest of us will be staying, including the missionaries I think.  We've also been busy with unloading containers and barges.  We have one from Kosrae full of wood and jacks, one from Guam full of cement bags, a barge from Majuro with 200 tons of rocks/sand and block for Kingdom Hall (only the first story of the building), and we just unloaded another container today from Guam full of random goods from Guam for the missionaries and the Kingdom Hall.  

Well I'm out of internet for now. Until next time.


Monday, December 6, 2010

First meeting in the new Hall

First meeting in the new Kingdom Hall with 63 in attendance. 
It was pretty packed.  
One family that's been quickly progressing is the Segrah's. 
 Future Elder right there.
After the grand opening, we of course had to have some refreshments.  
Can never have too many coconuts.
One meeting over with and the place was still intact 

Mike's 2 months were up last week... tear.

Kitchen / Common Area : COMPLETE

 One of the completed sinks and cabinets in the bedrooms

Jamming out at the missionary home.  We were treated to some authentic Hawaiian food that night by the Millers.  Poi and Kahlua chicken anyone? 
 Another local fruit - Pandanas.  
Kind of a cross between mangoes and corn but you chew it like sugar cane...weird I know. 

 Alan riding the "best wave of his life".  
Now that I have my old camera back, I can take it surfing : )
 He was pretty stoked about it.

 Shawn having some fun
 Shawn catching a wave

 We had a bonfire and ended up playing with sparklers.  
This is 15 seconds of the craziness in one picture.
 Shawn the performer and Kathy the supporter, matching as always.