Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Barracks

I apologize for not updating my blog in a while.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  We have been getting a lot done, working overtime for the past 2 weeks.  Only 2 weeks left for me with construction group.  I'll try to get another post up before I leave.  Enjoy
3 weeks ago we moved out of the Kingdom.  

So we decided to start demolishing it, starting with the tin roof

Once that was gone, we took all of the trusses and carried them down the road to the new barracks to use for that it's roof

George loves his hard hat

These are Naomi's many Marshallese teachers

Decking the floors on the barracks.  Anything can get wet except for the drills

The new fashion line of ponchos made out recycled trash bags - go green.  We have to improvise every once in a while in lands with limited resources.  

The walls went up quickly with a lot of help

It's common for the kids to share their roller blades, but they don't seem to get very far

Anchoring down the building with 6 foot rebar.  But I'm not 6 foot so it was a stretch  

The congregation having fun demolishing the Missionary Home despite the rain

Positioning the trusses on the barracks.  It was a balancing act walking on the 2*4 walls all day.  By the end of the day, I only fell off once...  Fortunately I caught myself on the way down and left only with some skinned wrists.  At least I had my hard hat on. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Demolition Week

 The kids get pretty bored here so they find ways to entertain themselves.  Most of them are very creative with their toys and games.  This guy just decided to spend the afternoon on his roof by himself.

 Sammy the barber giving a haircut to one of the local boys - Jeboss.  He was very eager to shave off those bangs.

The new kitchen at the second floor, where we're now having morning worship and the rest of our meals

 The second floor from the outside - the left half

The kids LOVE demolition.  The old sheet rock gave them a whole afternoon of fun.

 Tyrone - the biggest kid of all

 Special Assembly Day at the gym.  145 in attendance

 Jackie, Erica and 2 local girls who both gave experiences

 David and I holding up the wall

 After the Assembly we went for a stroll on Brother Titi's sail boat, all 11 of us in that little guy.

It was an adventure

 The girls guarding the bbq.  It was a feast that a few family's hosted for all of us foreigners. 

 There were a lot of performances that night
The place where we're going to build the new barracks for all of us to live.  

But first we had to make room.  All in a day's work.

Demolition : Complete . We were having so much fun that it took some self restraint from destroying the other half of the house, but we decided it was for the best since there's still someone living there...
 Present Day : Building the base boards for the barracks.  Tomorrow the floor will be on. Not a bad view eh? The ocean is conveniently right outside.  Can't wait to move into this place.