Thursday, August 26, 2010

Survived My First Week

So my first week was over as of today.  It was a good week, I survived.  I'm slowly getting used to waking up at 6 for morning worship and working in the blistering hot sun.  It's crazy how fast the Kingdom Hall is being built. Today we put up forms for the roof and got it slabbed (got it covered with plywood boards).  We're currently scheduled to pour the roof in 2 weeks.

But aside from work,  I got to do a little surfing a few days ago and then yesterday my room mates and I dominated in volley ball.  Also the old Kingdom Hall was re-condemned.  There was a third landslide on the property covering the steep driveway to it.  This week we had to improvise and reschedule a meeting on Friday night at the new missionary home dining room.  Until further notice, all of the meetings will be where we eat lunch everyday on the construction site.  It was actually pretty exciting to be there for the first meeting on the new property in the new/unfinished missionary home.

Tonight I have my first night watch.  Each day of the week, one single brother is assigned to stay the night on the construction site in a little shack right next to the new Kingdom Hall.  It's pretty interesting so far.  I don't have to walk around patrolling the property, it's pretty much just to have someone present on the site (just a little side-note, the locals on the island are now referring to the new KH / missionary home as "The Site").  So I'm pretty much just in a little shack just big enough for a bed and a desk hoping that no drunk guy comes knocking on my door and that I don't have to use the bathroom because all we have is a little outhouse that half of the crew won't even get close to.  But I am enjoying some time to myself, an internet connection, although it's dial-up, and a strong air conditioner.
Going surfing right outside our window
The missionary home along with a few piles of dirt and sand
Sunday meeting inside the missionary home
Enjoying a nice breeze in the back of the truck on the way
home after hard day's work

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