Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week 5 ~ Just pictures

By now I figured I might be boring some people with my poor writing ability so this post will consist of mostly pictures.  Thanks for following.
Where I reside - The Phoenix

You normally open a coconut with a machete but not Javier. 
This is how a state-sider construction worker opens a 
coconut, and did you notice his customized hardhat? 
Kingdom Hall construction Group water-cooler. This symbol 
is on just about everything that belongs to the group.

Nock-off Flamin' Hot Cheetos full of MSG and an allergy warning for just about everything out there.
This is me with Jarred and Dawn Klingbeil.  They were with the 
construction group for about a year and are now reassigned to 
Guam Bethal to be a part of the Construction Desk.
The Klingbeils left on Tuesday so we had some dessert for 
them after Watchtower Prep on Monday night.  Carmel 
fudge brownies and cookies n cream ice cream!  It was great.
I'm a little deprived of ice cream out here so I couldn't  help 
but eat 3 bowls...that and then a game of ping pong was not 
a good combination, take my word for it.
Let's eat lunch! 3 of these lobsters are cheaper then a can of chicken
Thanks for sending these Kina! Some gatorade powder is a
lifesaver in the middle of a hot day of work. 
Alan, Obed, and Brennen. These 3 guys have formed the mustache 
crew.  Why? Because they can.  Now Alan looks Chinese, Brennen 
looks 10 years older, and Obed actually pulls it off a little. 
This is Zip-Zip, the adopted KHG dog enjoying a coconut
She was very curious when she saw the flash of the camera
and came right out to me, which she usually never does
unless you have a bag of leftover food for her.

Full moon outside our window
Another beautiful sunrise, a little different this time.  

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