Thursday, October 21, 2010

2 months

Sorry again for not posting earlier this week.  We had some internet difficulties.  So here's a few extra pictures to make up for the loss.

Nothing like a little karaoke after a week of construction.
One night after meeting, our room turned into a barber shop. 
First Sammy buzzed Obed's hair, and then he buzzed his own. 

This is the beautiful Kosrae, island of the sleeping lady. Do you see her?

One of my favorite things in Micronesia is how clear and blue the ocean is.

On Saturday we went SCUBA diving.  Mike and I are certified, but Matt and Javier are not, so they went on what is called a Discovery Dive.  This is where a Dive Master can take random people who are willing to pay the price to go diving for the first time.  They were amazed by the underwater world.  Matt is planning on spending the next couple of weekends to get certified.  

This is the Kingdom Hall.  We spent a couple days cleaning up all of the forms and jacks to get it to look like this.  

Alan, Dave, and Amy grouting the new tile in the Kitchen.

The fresh sidewalk.  I really like the design 
of the missionary home entrance.

Ever since Mike got his fishing pole in the mail, he's been out in front of the Phoenix fishing everyday after work.  Here's him and Sammy struggling to get the hook out.  

Packed truck after Sunday meeting, not
an unusual sight to see.

Brennan frying up some lumpia on a relaxing Sunday afternoon.  

Specially delivery!  The Millers coming to the site bearing gifts, a joyous occasion.  
You can tell they were having a good day off work, surf boards all. 

We were trying to paint the roof, but the neighbors were randomly burning their yard.  It was raining ash.  
At first we thought we were beat, but it was nothing a shop-vac couldn't fix.

The roof painting crew.  You gotta do what you gotta do to shield yourself from the hot, tropical sun, even if it means that you look like a terrorist...

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